A series of posts as we look forward to the 100th Anniversary of ADKNY in 2023
The Demise of “The Hiker”
“The Hiker” newsletter survived from I would guess 1923 or ’24 to July 25, 1925.
By the September 15, 1925 newsletter, the title was eliminated. This issue was headed “Issued Now and Then By The New York Chapter – Adirondack Mountain Club’. On the cover page there is this mention:
“Our apologies – Ten days ago we learned that several members intensely dislike the name under which this bulletin has been appearing – but like most true Americans they kept their distaste a secret from the one most concerned.”
In the next issue, October 21, 1925:
“WANTED! A Name! Will somebody come to the rescue!
For lack of an official title, we say “Bulletin”. Someone suggested “The ADK Tramper”, or the “Call of the Trail”. Perhaps there are other more suitable, or catchy titles under which Chapter news can be broadcasted. Hence, we are open for suggestions. Send them into the Chairman, NOW. A prize – a free weekend at Camp Blue Bird – awaits the lucky, or rather the clever one.”
The December 3, 1925 issue is called THE TRAIL MARKER. On the front page: “Well, we have the name! Miss Ethel Fleming please step up and claim the free weekend at Camp Blue Bird.”
This first Trail Marker issue is attached.
Ellen King,
Archives Committee
Click to show both pages of The First Trail Marker
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