May 6-7, 2023: Build, Learn, and Dinner
Dave is overseeing the special project, Ray and Mariann are leading the orientation and Stephanie is the Saturday host
Special Project: Installation of Boat Dock and New Kayak Launch
- This project will take place on Saturday, May 6th . Volunteer for a few hours to help us re-install our boat dock, fix the floats and install our new kayak launch attachment.
- The dock is heavy and will need 6-8 people to flip it so the floats can be installed and then moved into position in the water. This project should only take an hour or two. A demonstration of how to use the new kayak launch will be given. (Non-qualifying).
RSVP to Dave at with questions or intent to join in the project.
- will take place at 12 noon-3 pm on Saturday, May 6th. To register for the Orientation, please contact either Ray Kozma, or Maryann Poris This is a qualifying event for applicants.
Hosted Saturday Night Dinner and Sunday breakfast
- May is a beautiful time to be at Nawakwa.Please join Stephanie Lai for a delicious, wholesome, meal freshly made by your fellow Nawakwan.
- Menu is predominately American with Asian elements and Latin flare.If you are vegetarian, please indicate if you eat dairy, and/or eggs. Saturday Happy Hour and dinner.
- Sunday breakfast- Ray Kosma has offered to be the host May 7th. He will be serving a light breakfast for those staying overnight, no trail lunch.This will now be a qualifying event as it will be an overnight. Please indicate to Stephanie when you register if you are staying overnight and having breakfast.
RSVP by Thursday 5/4. Host: Stephanie Lai, Co-host welcome!