Dear New York Chapter Members:
As most of you already know, the Main Club of ADK has passed very significant by law changes for 2020. These were voted on by the board of directors and now is before all ADK members for a yes or no vote via the ballot in Adirondac magazine. The ballot must be postmarked by Oct 2nd.
First some background:
In January of 2020 we elected a new Club President Tom Andrews and a new Executive Director Michael Barrett. ADK has struggled for years to get its finances in order and reorganize the club.
Previously ADK was run by a BOD elected from the chapters and several committees, all volunteers. The BOD was 27 members; one from each chapter.
Current club leadership hired an outside consultant to do a complete analysis of the current organization. The company delivered a thorough proposal for a five-year plan.
Out of that report and subsequent meetings with club staff came the following recommendations and Bylaw changes. The new BOD would be much smaller, 12 to 20 members, hired by the new board and club staff. In addition, these individuals would be reviewed by the club members probably in Adirondac magazine. New board members would be hired for their experience in key areas such as hotel management, fund raising, nonprofit management, environmental leadership, financial analysis. These positions would be unpaid. The board would meet monthly. In addition, the club would create a new structure called the “advisory committee “. Each chapter would elect a member to the advisory committee. The committee would advise the board on issues important to the chapters through one member elected by the committee. That one member would be able to vote on the board. The committee would meet separately from the BOD.
The proposed Bylaw changes would be voted on by the current BOD and passed. They will take effect unless voted down by the membership. Some current members have tried to enlist current club members to vote down the proposed changes. That is not my responsibility and I feel it would be improper for me to influence the vote. I would be happy to discuss the changes and my opinions privately. (contact Mark by e mail:
All change is somewhat difficult. We all know ADK must change in order to grow and move forward. There are some changes that I agree with here and some I do not. But that is often the case in such a diverse organization. The crisis facing nonprofits make it essential that they modernize. We all know we need younger members in our organization. Many of these changes come out of younger voices and a different vision of the future of ADK.
I have been a chapter member for many years. And I have been your I have been a board member for many years and a club member for years more than that.
These changes would create a very different board and probably a different club. It is now up to the members to decide if you agree.
Mark Fedow, ADK Main Club Director NY Chapter.
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