What’s App Group Explanation
What’s App, a popular and free messaging app is now available to Nawakwa Members and we have a dedicated group chat with moderators. This group will act as an online meeting place and allow folks (both applicant’s & members) to connect in regards to transportation and camp visits. Sometimes you just need a buddy, a ride or a little more info about an upcoming event. This app is completely optional to join and or participate in but will serve as a great connection and source of information if enough people opt into using the app.
Step 1: On your iPhone or Android device head to your official App Store and search “WhatsApp”, download the application and then open it.
Step 2: Once the app is installed on your phone you can click the link below to join the NOANY group. We do ask that you use your real name so that people know with whom they are chatting with.
What’s App Group Link
If anyone is having trouble or would like additional help setting up the app or joining the group, Dave Hayes & Jess Scirbona will be offering quick tutorials during the Opening Workday for the 2025 season during lunch and as needed.
Looking forward to seeing you all at Camp!
Best Wishes,