–Voting is now Closed–
To be Held on October 16, 2021
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, by the call of the acting Chair of the Board of Directors, the New York Chapter, Inc. of the Adirondack Mountain Club, Inc. (the “NY Chapter”) will hold an Annual Meeting of Members on October 16, 2021, at 10:00 a.m., which Annual Meeting will be held virtually.
The agenda for the meeting shall include:
• Election of officers and the board of directors of the NY Chapter; and
• such other and further business of the NY Chapter.
This Notice will be distributed by email, posting to the website, posting in the Trail Marker, and USPS mailed to those members without email addresses.
All members of the NY Chapter are invited to attend the virtual meeting but attendance is not required to vote; Zoom instructions will be sent out closer to the meeting date. To receive the link, you must RSVP no later than October 14, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. at https://forms.gle/4oSvLa3akHg82Thu6
Because of COVID limitations, to vote you must do so by proxy by using the enclosed form. Voting will not take place in the Annual Meeting. Follow the instructions on the proxy form as to how to vote. By submitting a proxy, you are designating Eve Mancuso, the Secretary, as the one who will act as your proxy to cast your vote. All USPS mail in proxies must be received no later than Friday October 15, 2021 to ensure they can be picked up at the Post Office, delivered to Camp and available to be counted. Website and e mail votes may be submitted until 12 noon on Saturday, October 16, 2021. Counting will commence by the Tally Committee on October 16, 2021 at 1 pm at Camp Nawakwa. Please vote.
Note: all Committee Reports for the meeting are posted here. Please read and/or print for your convenience for reference during the meeting.