Our Treasurer report and the NOA financials from 2019 through expected 2023 are now available online.
You must log on in order to view the file located under Camp Nawakwa Keyholders Info.
You must log on in order to view the file located under Camp Nawakwa Keyholders Info.
We have three events on the calendar. Join us at camp for fall weather, great views, and friends!
Dave and shared some great pictures from this weekend’s Octoberfest celebration. An amazing and fun time at camp!
We received the following from the parks team:
From: “Collins, Jacqueline (PARKS)” <Jacqueline.Collins@parks.ny.gov>
Subject: Fire ban Lifted
Date: September 15, 2022 at 1:34:27 PM EDT
Come join NOANY members Dave and Oliver at Camp Nawakwa for a Hosted Oktoberfest Celebration weekend, Saturday September 17th and Sunday September 18th. Please sign up early by 9/10 as we anticipate a “full” weekend during this beautiful time of year and look forward to an inclusive experience for everyone!
We are planning a wonderful menu of German specialties this year. There will be some great examples of festbier (beer) and some fine German wines for everyone to enjoy along the way and of course some non-alcoholic sparkling cider as well. There will be traditional soft pretzels and mustards to snack on during cocktail hour along with some great fest music! We are planning to have some bratwursts / sausages and vegetarian beyond sausages with all the fixings. There will be sides like potato salad /potatoes / red cabbage / applesauce and sauteed onions. We will also be roasting pork knuckles all afternoon for a special treat at dinnertime. If all goes according to plan we have a black forest cake and some fresh fruit for desert. We plan to end the night with group fire at the large fire pit (and finish any remaining beverages from cocktail hour). Sunday morning breakfast will be a traditional array of German coldcuts along with fresh eggs and any meats left from the day before. There will be bread and rolls and fruit along with paper bags and we encourage everyone to end breakfast by a packing a lunch for yourself to enjoy later that day on your adventures!
You can sign up or ask questions by emailing Dave cingularsales@gmail.com or texting / calling him at 631.747.0132. You can reach Oliver at oliverjlunt@gmail.com We will take signups until September 10 or the weekend is full, whatever comes first.
Founded in 1923, the Nawakwa Outdoor Association of New York, Inc. is a membership organization dedicated to the enjoyment of the outdoors through hiking, walking, camping, swimming, skiing, sailing, canoeing, and kayaking, and to the conservation and preservation of our wilderness, particularly the mountains, lakes, trails, and camping areas of the metropolitan New York region.